n.b. in solidarity with palestine, i am participating in the boycott called by djs against apartheid and ravers for palestine. for more info on the boycott click here - and you can read about my decision to withdraw from berghain last year in the left berlin.
11 january
traum, antwerp
24 january
c.e presents
vent, tokyo
8 february
the cause, london
[b2b ben sims all night]
22 february
rso, berlin
1 march
open ground, wuppertal
[annex all night]
8 march
dialektik x mel
sala muv, madrid
14 march
garage noord, amsterdam
15 march
amber’s, manchester
5 april
fold, london
11 april
soft raw
strange brew, bristol
[w/ danielle all night]
19 april
open ground, wuppertal
30 april
ems x meakusma
twilight cafe, nidrum
3 may
horst arts & music festival, brussels
12 july
butik festival, tolmin
13 july
stone techno festival, essen
18 july
soundit festival, barcelona
14-17 august
we out here festival, dorset
[b2b ben ufo]
10 january
magliano x dust
club 21, florence
20 january
fabric, london
27 january
large marge
kalt, strasbourg
16 february
ormside projects, london
21 february
dweller, new york
24 february
simple things, bristol
1 march
worthing techno militia
coast, worthing
8 march
open ground, wuppertal
[b2b tasha]
13 april
venue mot, london
[b2b colin dale all night long]
19 april
rinse x la mamie’s
le trabendo, paris
26 april
grounded theory
4 may
tilla tec, amsterdam
10 may
statement piece
smartbar, chicago
11 may
nowadays, new york
18 may
nts rush
astin (nitsa), barcelona
24 may
gala festival, london
24 may
gala afterparty
pickle factory, london
25 may
la cheetah, glasgow
[b2b mella dee all night long]
31 may
open ground, wuppertal
1 june
the last dance
wire, leeds
8 june
accidental meetings x meakusma
strange brew, bristol
14 june
eden festival, moffat
15 june
offsonar, barcelona
4 august
dekmantel, amsterdam
9 august
houghton, norfolk
10 august
tresor, berlin
14 august
not.another one, noto
17 august
we out here, dorset
18 august
field maneuvers, norfolk
[b2b ben sims]
30 august
meakusma, eupen
31 august
the white hotel, manchester
14 september
sustain-release, new york
[b2b shyboi]
15 september
mister sunday
nowadays, new york
27 september
errol presents…
corsica studios, london
5 october
astin (nitsa), barcelona
11 october
open ground, wuppertal
12 october
the bullingdon, oxford
13 october
climate of fear
backsteinboot, berlin
18 october
dgtl ade
19 october
opium of the people
26 october
blitz, munich
27 october
fold, london
2 november
fabric, london
15 november
gatto verde
distretto industriale 4, milan
22 november
duty free merger
aktionshaus, berlin
23 november
open ground, wuppertal
7 december
dance planet
paragon, new york
13 december
soup, manchester
14 december
the trilogy tapes x 12th isle
venue mot, london
27 december
weltspiele, hannover
28 december
resident club night
open ground, wuppertal
[a note from josey: at the start of the year i withdrew from all my 2024 bookings at berghain in protest against the club’s deplatforming of a pro-palestinian dj and subsequent refusal to make any apology or gesture to clarify its position on palestine as it had previously done with ukraine. for further info on the reasons some artists have chosen to boycott berghain (among other clubs), visit the djs against apartheid site. i also shared my thoughts in the left berlin’s feature on the boycott of berghain published in november 2024.]
20 january
tresor, berlin
27 january
audio, glasgow
3 february
de school, amsterdam
4 february
fold, london
10 february
kaiku, helsinki
11 february
strange brew, bristol
24 february
the white hotel, manchester
3 march
fabric, london
18 march
berghain, berlin
8 april
carbone, paris
28 april
koko, london
30 april
whp rotterdam
21 may
berghain, berlin
27 may
mamba negra, são paulo
3 june
primavera sound, barcelona
9 june
terraforma, milan
10 june
primavera sound, madrid
17 june
ateliers jeanne barret, marseille
22-24 june
solstice festival, finland
1 july
astropolis, brest
7 july
14 july
de school, amsterdam
21 july
fabric, london
[b2b tasha]
29 july
orbit festival, utrecht
[b2b carista]
4 august
headroom, abergavenny
12 august
we out here, dorset
13 august
houghton, norfolk
19 august
berghain, berlin
25 august
badaboum, paris
31 august
dimensions, tisno
2 september
lux fragil, lisbon
16 september
waterworks, london
30 september
berghain, berlin
6 october
venue mot, london
13 october
la cheetah, glasgow
14 october
nuits sonores & european lab brussels
20 october
standard time, toronto
21 october
nowadays, new york
27 october
into the woods, los angeles
28 october
f8 1192 folsom, san francisco
3 november
the british library, london
18 november
warehouse project, manchester
25 november
herfstdrift, nijmegen
25 november
de school, amsterdam
1 december
c12, brussels
8 december
open ground, wuppertal
15 december
the white hotel, manchester
[b2b tasha]
16 december
the cause, london
31 december / 1 january
berghain, berlin